Great trial game held on Wednesday
night and having played with all the rules & options that we had tried
in the past several months. 1500 VP game with option for air strike and
submarine attacks!!
With 2 roll off; the pitch battle was chosen
and me being the defender.
First and foremost, apologies for the
rather bad picture quality and really messy table, as we try to utilize
whatever space available. Besides that, we played in a rather dark corner of
the cafe and it was almost 10.15pm when the game started.
Combatants as follow:
Attacker : USN - Commanded by Liongvei
1) BB Iowa - Flagship
2) CA San Francisco
3) CL Detroit
4) DD Mahan
5) DD Cummings
Defender : IJN - Commanded by Eric Lew
1) CA Maya - Flagship
2) CA Mogami
3) CA Mikuma
4) CL Agano
5) CL Noshiro
6) DD Akitsuki
7) DD Fuyutsuki
8) DD Hanatsuki
9) DD Harutsuki
10) DD Hatsutsuki
11) DD Natsuzuki
For this pitched battle game, 3
landmasses were placed for the battle; 2 by attacker and 1 by defender, which
was promptly put in place by Liongvei right behind his fleet's formation, represented
by an ash tray and tissue box. While my landmass was placed directly in the
middle to the table, represented by a torch light.
Deployment, Airstrike & Submarine
Taking advantage of the great firing range of
BB Iowa, it was place almost to the far edge of the battle area, accompanied
alongside by CA San Francisco. CL Detroit with the DD Mahan and DD Cummings
were deployed up front, strategically placed behind the landmass (read: torch
From the picture, it shows 3 DDs available
along side CL Detroit, it was later made aware that there will only be 2 DDs,
due to fleet point constraints.
The IJN side deployed a deeper formation,
having its 3 CAs as the base for the "U" formation, enabling it to be
supported on their flanks by a CL and 3 DDs each side.
![]() |
IJN Deployment |
I am actually testing out this
deployment having the "stronger" CLs at front covering the 3DDs
behind, while having the 3 CAs falling slightly back, hoping to prevent crazy DD
rush on my capital ship.
Disappointing as it may seems, there were no
kamikaze dive bombers present on IJN side and like wise, USN air force were not
For this fleet, I acquired 2 rounds of
submarine attack. As per the rules, the 1st submarine attack commence at this
phrase, ALL MISS~~!!!
Turn 1
Both the BB Iowa and CA San Francisco maintained
their distance at the other edge of the battle while the CL Detroit and 2 DDs
maneuver closer to the IJN fleet; utilizing the central landmass.
CL Detroit can be seen partially hidden behind the landmass (torch light) |
CL Detroit at this juncture completed its
movements too close to the central landmass, any subsequent movement will
result into a collision with the landmass. Due to that, Liongvei opt not to
move that ship for subsequent turn. That being said, CL Detroit was in a good
placement, able to maintain a good broadside view on incoming ships and
protected upfront by a landmass.
The IJN split is fleet into 2 flanks, while
maintaining a tight formation on respective flanks and utilizing both CLs as
lead ships.
![]() | |
At a distance, both BB Iowa and CA San
Francisco traded shots with IJN 's right flank causing CL Agano to caught on
fire and damaging its engine. No noteworthy damage recorded on both USN ships.
With an AV value of 21, it's rather
difficult for IJN ships to penetrate BB Iowa. Having said that, it still did
not stop me to make shots on the BB, hoping to roll a natural "0" on
penetration roll for a viable chance of critical hit.
On IJN right flank, the resulting combat
action saw both DD Mahan and DD Cummings sank with shots coming from CA Mikuma
and CL Noshiro.
CL Noshiro sustained damages to 1 secondary
battery turret and flooding caused by CL Detroit.
Turn 2
Prior to this turn, IJN launched their 2nd
submarine attack, one of which penetrated CA Sanfrancisco and causing
uncontrollable massive flooding; sinking it in the process.
One of my submarine dice roll got
lucky and penetrated the CA San Francisco. With 5 consecutive flooding checks
(rolling 8's and 9's), the sustained damage was enough to knock it out.
BB Iowa broadside against IJN's left flank |
As my fleet closes in, BB Iowa longer
range primary guns and a damage of 11, caused considerable damage to my
CAs and CL Noshiro. Only plus point is that BB Iowa did not focus fire it's
Subsequent to flooding control check, CL
Noshiro sank.
Turn 3
BB Iowa at its broadside facing the incoming IJN fleet |
Having only BB Iowa left in play, the IJN
charged in.
Well I tried to move my ships towards
the center of play and combined both flanks in hopes to minimized the potential
damage coming from the BB. Well that was the plan, fall short due to sustained
engine room damage to 3 of my ships!!
Turn 4
Note: Coffee cup not part of landmass~~!! |
The IJN fleet closes into BB Iowa and hoping
for a quick kill and to end the game in this round, resulted in otherwise.
Subsequent to the shooting step, CL Agano see
no further action for the night, being tore apart from BB Iowa primary
The resulting torpedo step saw CA Mikuma
launched it's torpedoes, and miss.
From the picture, it is easily
decipher that CL Agano is also in a great position to launch its torpedoes.
After checking the angle and arc, it is slightly off tangent.
Turn 5
The final showdown |
In a turn of event, BB Iowa closes in on IJN
fleet instead; moving into the path of the IJN's 3 DDs. This resulted 4 IJN
ships ending their movements within 6" of BB Iowa.
A good call by USN to focus fire onto CA
Maya; being the IJN flagship, it's destruction will cause panic within the
fleet! - Resulted in otherwise.
Short range, RDR fire control with a
total of 9 main guns, CA Maya survived!!
7 IJN ships launched its torpedoes; 9 hits
and 4 penetrations, proved just enough to sink the BB.
We only calculated the 4 ships that
were within 6" range; since they have the same modifiers of 5+ to hit,
resulting to 9 hits, 4 of which were penetration, for 156 damage in total.
Comments, suggestions, thoughts,
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