Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Mini League: Game Day 1 - Hyiktsay vs Liongvei

The 2nd battle of the day saw the Germans, commanded by Hyiktsay, pitted against USN forces commanded by Liongvei.

Dice roll off and pitch battle was chosen and USN being the attacker.

Combatant: USN
CA Wichita - Flagship
CA San Francisco
CL Omaha  
CL Cincinnati
CL Detroit 
CL Marblehead
CL Brooklyn
CL Savannah
CL Phoenix
CL Honolulu
DD - 4 typical escort destroyers
Combatant: German
CA Prinz Eugen - Flagship
CA Admiral Hipper
CA Blucher
CA Lutzow
CL Koln
DD 5 - Z31, Z32, Z33, Z34 and Z37

Deployment, Air Strike & Submarine Attack

German Deployment

USN Deployment
German forces launched its submarines attacked and manged to remain undetected; enabling it to launch 12 torpedoes., while USN was only able to respond with 5 after having one of the submarine intercepted. Of a total of 17 torpedoes, ALL MISS!!

No air forces from both fleet at sight. 

Deployment Overview
Turn 1

The German declared their 2nd submarine attack, however only 4 were able to be launched as USN managed to intercept 2 of it. All torpedoes miss their targets.

USN Fleet
USN ships advanced albeit slowly attributed to evasive maneuver taken during the submarine attack phrase.

German Fleet
German fleet remained steadily at their location, moving into position for an attack on USN. 

Gun fire soon erupted as the German fleet managed to land several blows on the USN; causing flooding to CL Savannah and knockout CL Cincinnati 4 secondary turrets.

Turn 2

USN Fleet
USN right flank continued its advancement while it's left flank deployed a defense formation. Its rear flank of destroyer escorts remained in place and will not see any battle.

German Fleet
On the German side, the fleet moved its CAs broadside and facing it towards USN right flank while having CA Lutzow and CL Koln on the opposite to the incoming USN left flank. Its DDs however, remained hidden behind landmasses.

USN drew 1st blood by sinking CL Koln. Sturdy as it seems, it took 3 ships, CL Omaha, CL Honolulu and CL Phoenix, to bring CL Koln down to the bottom.

CA Admiral Hipper sunk, suffering from double severe list after incurring only 1 penetration shot attributed from CL Detroit.

No casualties recorded on USN fleet.

Turn 3

USN Right Flank
USN Left Flank
USN right flank changed its formation and moved slowly towards The German CAs. Its left flank managed to break past the landmasses; only to meet 4 German DDs head-on. CA Lutzow, by now had retreated from German right flank and on course to join up with other CAs. 

CA San Francisco tore apart 2 DDs; Z33 and DD Z34, with its main gun, while CL Honolulu managed to sink Z31.

German DDs managed to launch 5 torpedoes resulting in 4 hits; 2 of which penetrated CA San Francisco and ultimately sinking it.

Turn 4

USN decides to launch its 2nd submarine attack and managed to hit Z32 and sink.

USN Right Flank
This turn saw USN right flank breaking past the landmasses, closing the range on German CAs which had maneuver further behind its own line towards the edge of battle.

USN Left Flank
Collision occurred at USN left flank as CL Honolulu rammed Z37 and sinking it in the process while causing flooding to itself. 

By this turn, USN fleet had sustained considerable damages and taking that advantage, German managed to destroy CL Cincinnati and CL Detroit by CA Bulcher and CA Prinz Eugen main guns respectively. 

CL Savannah suffered damage to its rudder from this turn's battle and being placed towards the right edge of battle area, causing it to flee from battle next turn, not by player choice!

Turn 5

USN fleet closes into the German of which at this time moved its remain fleet towards the back edge of battle area.

Closer Look On The Action
Shots traded between the 2 forces; only highlight being CA Prinz Eugen succeeded in destroying CL Pheonix with its main guns.

Turn 6

With 3 CAs remaining and had since taken substantial damage, German retreated from the battle leaving USN victorious in its encounter. 

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