Sunday, 26 May 2013

Mini League: Game Day 10 - Dave vs Eric Lew

Final game day of the mini league saw 2 battles involving Dave's USN setup. First stop was the battle against IJN forces led by Eric Lew.

With the dice roll off - pitch battle was selected and having IJN as the attacking fleet.

Game played at Dave’s place.

Combatant: USN – Dave
CA Portland
DD O’Brien
DD Anderson
DD Hughes
Combatant: IJN
CA Maya – Flagship
CA Mogami
CA Mikuma
CL Agano
CL Noshiro
DD 6 – Akitsuki, Fuyutsuki, Hanatsuki, Harutsuki, Hatsusuki and Natsuzuki.

Deployment, Air Strike & Submarine Attack
Setup: IJN (top) and USN (Bottom)
Surprise efficiency in IJN's anti-submarine warfare team saw a complete intercept of all USN submarines in this pre-battle engagement.

Over at the other end, none of IJN's submarines were intercepted, allowing IJN forces an additional salvo.

The resulting engagement saw USN's DD O'Brien destroyed.

IJN's surprise efficiency in anti-submarine did not spill over towards it's anti-aircraft team as they managed to knock down 4 torpedo bombers.

Subsequent air strike saw direct hits to CA Mikuma and CL Agano, causing fire and flooding on-board the warships respectively.

Turn 1
IJN moving towards the bottom with USN remaining in its location
USN forces conducted their 2nd submarine strike, only to be completely intercepted by the IJN’s efficient anti-submarine warfare crew.

IJN plotted it's warship stern ahead directing its forces towards USN location; remained in their starting position and having CA Portland launching its recon planes. 

Gun shots soon traded between the 2 forces recording some damages on both fleet.

Turn 2
IJN continued its advancement and is within lethal distance.
As IJN continued its advancement, the resulting gun battle saw the destruction of DD Anderson. 

CA Portland continued its bombardment from all direction causing significant crippling damages to both CL Noshiro and CA Mikuma. DD Akitsuki was not spared from the gun fire, taking significant damages from both USN DDs

Turn 3 

IJN ordered in its 2nd submarine strike, having non intercepted, found their targets. 

DD Hughes was sank on the spot while causing uncontrollable flooding towards CA Portland which lead to its ultimate demise.

A win for the IJN forces having no warship destroyed in this engagement. 

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