Sunday, 10 August 2014

The Supreme Commander – Session 1

Couple of weeks ago, the 3 of us (YS Oon, Dave and me) kick started a board game, Supreme Commander – World War 2 in Europe, 1939 – 1945. At a random draw, YS Oon controls the German faction along with its Nazi friendly factions including Italy. Dave assumed command of the Allied major powers consisting of France, British and American forces along with other Allied friendly minor nations when activated. Yours truly handles the red army.

For this game, we played the long campaign – starting at Aug/Sept 1939 – whereby the British and French were at war with Germany while the Russian faction was yet to be involved. American composition will enter battle at a later stage. Italy on the other hand were yet to drawn into war on the Axis side.

Beginning of Aug/Sept 1939, Germany declared war on Poland and swiftly sent its 1st Panzer Army towards Warsaw. Attributing to this war declaration, Poland became an Allied friend nation controlled by Dave.

Over at the Western Front, combined British – French forces begin to amass around the BEF Line with the German forces at its borders. Over the period of time, British forces begin to fortified the Western Front coupled with its success in controlling the North Sea.
1st Polish Corp occupying Konningsburg
As the war rages on at Poland, German forces faced a tough battle against Poland as casualties mounted despite having numerical advantage. At a twist of event, 1st Polish Corp managed to take control Konningsburg, further throwing the German forces away from Warsaw.
Victorious Russian Army in the Winter War
By end of year 1939, the German army was not able to breakthrough to Warsaw and was forced to withdraw to its own borders. Attributing to that, Russian army continued its march and claimed the Nazi-Soviet Pact Line at East Poland. At the same period, Russia was victorious in the Winter War against Finland – effectively propelling Finland towards the Nazi friendly nation.
December 1939 Western Front‏
By Jan-Feb 1940, with the loss in Poland, German focused its effort towards the Western Front and summarily declared war on Dutch, Belgium and Denmark – an attempt to blitz through the Western Front. The following month, Germany was able to bring Hungary towards the Axis faction. A hilarious flanking maneuver saw the Dutch army marched its way an occupied Hamburg – drawing away valuable German forces from further mustering its forces in the BEF Line.
Dutch Army occupying Hamburg
Between the period of game play, Russia found itself ineffective as they were not drawn into the war with Germany. Besides that, Russia was not able to muster its forces due to low supply and limitations prior to declaration of war with Germany.

Session ended in turn 5 – Mar/Apr 19410.

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